Sumud is an intersectional organisation that works for ending Israeli apartheid, occupation and colonialism and for the realisation of Palestinian human and political rights.
We work with artistic, political, cultural, and other collectives to advocate rights-based, accountability and justice-oriented frameworks for Palestine, in Finland, in Palestine and internationally. We promote and help make visible Palestinian culture and identity in Finland and elsewhere. We aim for at least one third of the Sumud board members to be Palestinian. An international advisory board annually assesses the activities of Sumud and provides advice.
As part of the global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, our goal is to end Finnish support for Israeli apartheid and turn it into support for democracy, decolonisation and human rights. We support the Palestinian civil society call for boycotts, divestments and sanctions. We also support the BDS call’s demand for Israel to end occupation and colonisation of Arab lands, grant equality to Palestinian citizens of Israel, and implement the right of Palestinian refugees to return.
Sumud is opposed to all forms of colonialism, racism, including antisemitism and islamophobia, as well as sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and all other forms of bigotry.