Home Events - Sumud DISCUSSION: Palestine beyond genocide – looking to the future

DISCUSSION: Palestine beyond genocide – looking to the future

Saturday 16.11.24 at 4:15 pm
Language: Finnish
Location: Korjaamo, Töölönkatu 51, Helsinki

In the ongoing genocide Israel is trying to wipe out Palestinians. For over a year, attention has focused on the progression of the genocide, on the support for it, or attemps to stop it. But what will happen once the genocide is over? How has the genocide changed the view of where Palestine is going – among Palestinians, in Finland, in Europe? Earlier there was talk of the two-state solution or one democratic state – how do they look now?

Our panelists are journalist and author Umayya Abu-Hanna, activist Noor Assad, politician who has worked as a MEP and minister in the Finnish government Sirpa Pietikäinen (kok), and social antropologist Tiina Järvi.

The event is chaired by Syksy Räsänen, vice-chair of Sumud – the Finnish Palestine Network. The event s part of the Refugee Film Festival program.

Free entry!

The event is finished.


Nov 16 2024


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